Duskian Strayt Fingender Minsexual succulent moodboard for Admin Kyle’s headmate, Iva


Duskian: Partial feminine gender alignment.
Strayt: Attraction is straight in a nonbinary way.
Fingender: Umbrella term for all genders feminine in nature. Also a term to refer to a gender that isn’t fully defined but definitely feminine, or a gender in which femininity is its defining feature.
Minsexual: Feeling sexual attraction to masculine identifying people.

-Admin Kyle

I get gai, but what about strayt? How can enbies be strayt when there isn’t exactly an “opposite”’to nonbinary and most nonbinary genders. Hetero means different and when used in the context of “heterosexual” it means opposite gender attraction, and it’s synonyms with straight. and strayt and straight are supposed to be essentially the same thing,,, but how? No offense!! I am an enby myself


Hiya! No offense taken dw. Actually straight doesn’t mean just “hetero” since there are people who are bi and hetero, ace and hetero, etc. etc. Its not meant to mean an “opposite” just as gai isn’t meant to mean a “same”. “Different” would probably work better. But its honestly just more of how you feel about your own attraction. Galexy and I for example are attracted to pretty much the same genders but where Galexy feels like his attraction is more gai, I feel like mine is more strayt. As you say, nonbinary peeps don’t really fit into the gay or straight binary and so we kinda need our own words to talk about our relationship with our attraction. I dunno if that helped explain it at all sorry lol
