Do you have any advice explaining queerplatonic to ppl? I have friends I would like to be in a queerplatonic relationship with, but they don’t understand what queerplatonic is, even after I tried to explain it to them!!

Try explaining it to them as how you specifically feel it. I don’t have much since the community does have a huge divide on what it exactly means. But in regards to the relationship, try explaining that you’re friends, but also like really close that you could also be in a romantic relationship and it’d be similar. Granted, that is how I’ve explained it and then branches from there on questions.
My only source is that I was trying to explain a qpr and alterous to my mother when her and I talked about my aromanticism and how it affects my relationship and the above was effective for me.
-Admin Opal

Ok, so i’ve been looking through the list of genders (i’ve always been somewhat interested in this sort of stuff) and some of these genders confuse me a bit. For example, i don’t understand how someone could be fatugender; if their gender was useless and unimportant why would they want to identify as a gender in the first place? and there are a multitude of very similar genders, like gendernull and exiccogender. is there a reason for all these genders being so similar or so paradoxical?

Hi! Sorry for taking so long, but let me break it down.
fatugender; if their gender was useless and unimportant why would they want to identify as a gender in the first place?
I have seen some people use fatugender more in fluid identities, but it also may be because someone does feel that way, but just names it to be done with it.
and there are a multitude of very similar genders, like gendernull and exiccogender. is there a reason for all these genders being so similar or so paradoxical?
This is more since some people feel that one term does not fit because they feel y or z instead of x. As for genders that contradict, it’s more case by case so I can not explain that at the current moment.
But I hope that helps cover it!
-Admin Opal

hi! so I’ve identified as aro for a while, but I was looking for something that… fit a lil better. basically, the thought of being in an actual relationship repulses me, but I enjoy romance itself from afar. like if a book I’m not really into features a romance, I can enjoy but if I’m more into it I’ll be super repulsed by it. and I’ll get “crushes” on ppl where I can imagine in my fantasies us being together, but the thought of us ACTUALLY being together repulses me, if that makes sense? thx!

Hi! I couldn’t find a single term, but this seems more like you’re apothiromantic. You can also identify as limnoromantic, but I would also reccomend checking out other attractions since I feel like you’re describing more of a qpr or Alterous attraction! But I hope this helps!
-Admin Opal