Duskian Strayt Fingender Minsexual succulent moodboard for Admin Kyle’s headmate, Iva


Duskian: Partial feminine gender alignment.
Strayt: Attraction is straight in a nonbinary way.
Fingender: Umbrella term for all genders feminine in nature. Also a term to refer to a gender that isn’t fully defined but definitely feminine, or a gender in which femininity is its defining feature.
Minsexual: Feeling sexual attraction to masculine identifying people.

-Admin Kyle

Neopronoun using Femcat Pigeon Altersex Aurorian Jadic Pangenderfaun Drakefluid Minsexual Caedaroflux Aplatonic Minsensual Demicassalterous Objectum Alterous Abroqueerplatonic Finaesthetic Drakeattracted tarot, crystal and dragon moodboard for Admin Kyle


Neopronouns: Pronouns outside of he/him, she/her, they/them, and it/its.
Femcat: Feminine presentation for nonbinary people.
Pigeon: Having a flashy and kinda down-to-earth gender presentation that is not categorized by being masculine, feminine, or androgynous.
Altersex: A catch-all term consisting of alter, meant here as “different” or “another possibility,” and sex, referring to physiological primary and secondary sex characteristics. Altersex is meant to be used largely, but not exclusively, for fictional characters, describing body plans that are not found naturally in homo sapiens, or, in the case of real individuals using this as an identifier, those who have a mental body plan/view of their “true” self that has a body that fits under altersex. Altersex can also refer to -possible- sexes that are neither perisex nor intersex, in the cases of those who go through HRT or sexual reassignment surgery of some sort, since those people definitely shouldn’t use intersex.
Aurorian: Combination of Fervian, Alterian, and Ventulian.
Fervian: A gender element which is masculine or related to masculinity.
Ventulian: A gender element which is not clearly defined. It may change in a way that is hard to keep up with, impossible to describe or understand, or simply be vague and fleeting in nature, but it is present.
Alterian: A gender element that is xenine (xeno equivalent of masc/fem), which refers to identities that don’t conform or relate to any concept like feminine, masculine, or neutral, but is instead something that is related to other concepts, like symbols, nature, shapes, feelings, or anything else that one may feel their element embodies or is connected to.
Jadic: A soft masculine gender alignment that is also xenine.
Pangenderfaun: All genders except for feminine genders.
Drakefluid: When your gender fluctuates, but you can’t find just a few terms to describe what your fluctuating gender is, so you “hoard” gender terms that fit you.
Minsexual: Sexual attraction to people who’s gender is masculine in nature.
Caedaroflux: Experiencing a fluctuation from aromantic to alloromantic that was “cut away” by trauma.
Aplatonic: Lack of platonic attraction.
Minsensual: Sensual attraction to people who’s gender is masculine in nature.
Demicassalterous: Having an indifference to your alterous attraction, but only feeling attraction after a close bond is made.
Objectum Alterous: Alterous attraction to inanimate objects.
Abroqueerplatonic: Having a queerplatonic orientation that constantly changes and cannot be pinned down for this reason.
Finaesthetic: Aesthetic attraction to people who’s gender is feminine in nature.
Drakeattracted: When you can’t find just a few terms to describe what your orientation is, so you “hoard” terms that fit you.

-Admin Kyle

Minsexual Caedaroflux Demicassalterous Finaesthetic pagan and tarot lockscreen for Admin Kyle


Minsexual: Feeling sexual attraction to masculine identifying people.
Caedaroflux: Fluctuating on aro spectrum due to trauma.
Demicassalterous: Feeling utterly indifferent to your alterous orientation, as though it does not matter or is not a significant part of your identity. Also does not experience alterous attraction to a person until they have developed an emotional connection to them.
Finaesthetic: Feeling aesthetic attraction to feminine identifying people.
-Admin Kyle